- Researching Powervault direct attached storage arrays…leaning towards Dell’s Business Outlet #
- @ameskis allow me to translate: “I’m a nerd, but they hired me to be one so it’s okay” …at least all keep telling myself that. in reply to ameskis #
- Pumped the Hogs won! 7-3 over ASU. If you are #1 and you get beat by #1 do you fall in the rankings? Conundrum. #
- Only 3 minutes off my regular pace biking around Lake Fayetteville. Not too bad, but there’s definitely room for improvement. #
- GO HOGS!! 8-7 over Arizona State! #
- Happy that our main server rebuilt a corrupted hard drive correctly. Kudos to HP. #
- Looking at road bikes with Jacob. Highroller has some SWEET bikes. #
- Having fun with Wii Fit with the family. Dad is pretty good. #