This actually worked?

On Thursday of last week our 8 year old LG LCD TV stopped accepting HDMI inputs. We tried a Roku 3, A first generation Chromecast, and multiple laptops. However, the TV would never display content only the text “No Signal”. I then connected the Roku and laptops to a computer monitor with HDMI inputs and they content displayed as expected.

So, our 2010 TV purchase from Newegg (LG Model 42LD550) appeared to have bit the dust.

I’m not one to throw things out on a whim. A quick search found many other people with the same problem from various 2010/2011 LG TVs. Their solution?

  • Preheat your oven to 385 F
  • Remove the back cover of the TV taking note of screw lengths and locations
  • Remove the ribbon cables and power cables from the system board
  • Remove the system board
  • Place it on a non metallic surface (cooking stone, parchment paper, etc)
  • Bake the system board for 10 minutes
  • Let it cool in the oven, with the oven door open to vent the heat
  • Reinstall the board, ribbon cables and power connector
  • Before you put the cover back on, carefully connect your source to the HDMI cables and test for signal.

Since the TV was already broken I figured I had nothing to lose. I followed to the steps verbatim. When the Roku content displayed immediately I was taken aback. I wasted no time in re-assembling the TV and installing it back on our mount. Here’s to another 8 years LG!


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